Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider is the founder of DOVE International, a worldwide network of churches in 26 nations. He is the author of more than 40 books. A featured speaker at conferences and churches, he travels extensively, training and mentoring Christian leaders globally. Larry and his wife, LaVerne, live in Lititz, PA, USA. Catch up on Larry’s blog.

Listen to Larry’s leadership podcast here

  • In The Great Commission, we discover that as disciples of Jesus Christ, our marching orders are to go and make disciples. We can start right where we are! God has called us as His church to touch every nation of the world, but we must ask the Lord where He has called us specifically. Although some believers will go to another country to make disciples, many believers will reach out to others right where they live. God places people all around us we can disciple and train.
    • Video 1 - What is the Great Commission?
    • Video 2 - Get Ready for Action! Spiritual Warfare
    • Video 3 - Reaching the Lost and Making Disciples
    • Video 4 - You Are Called to Be a Spiritual Father or Mother!
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about The Great Commission and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In What is the Church? we will see the importance of being a part of a spiritual family united under Christ. This spiritual family gives us a place to grow and learn from other believers how to live our Christian lives. We need this input from spiritual leaders and fellow believers. We need one another. We are not supposed to live the Christian life alone. God’s will is for every believer to be connected to a local church where he can be trained, protected, and available to serve others.
    • Video 1 - The Importance of the Local Church
    • Video 2 - Spiritual Family Relationships
    • Video 3 - Who Is Watching Out For You?
    • Video 4 - Our Commitment to the Local Church
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about What is the Church? and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In Learning to Fellowship with God, we learn God wants to know us personally! We’re going to learn how to fellowship with God through meditating on God’s Word and praying and worshiping Him. We will discover how to develop a close, intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ as we learn to hear His voice.
    • Video 1 - Knowing God Through His Word
    • Video 2 - Knowing God Through Prayer and Worship
    • Video 3 - How Can We Hear God’s Voice?
    • Video 4 - Hearing His Voice Clearly
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Learning to Fellowship with God and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In Freedom From the Curse, we learn that due to Adam and Eve’s disobedience to the Lord when they chose to believe the lies of the devil in the Garden of Eden, we now live in a “cursed or fallen” world. In the fall of Adam, sin gained entrance into the human race. In this book, we will take a closer look at all that is involved in the curse and how to be freed spiritually, physically and emotionally from its bondage(s). Although sin has cursed mankind, Christ provides everything we need to defeat sin and Satan!
    • Video 1 - What is a Curse?
    • Video 2 - We Can Reclaim What the Enemy Stole
    • Video 3 - Receiving Freedom in Jesus’ Name
    • Video 4 - You Can Be Completely Free
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Freedom From the Curse and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In Living in the Grace of God, we discover that it is grace that motivates God to offer us salvation even though we did not earn it. In fact, we cannot earn it; it is a gift. Our salvation comes as a gift of God’s grace, and it can be accessed by our response of faith. God’s grace is present in our lives to save us—“the free unmerited favor of God on the undeserving and ill-deserving.”
    • Video 1 - What is Grace?
    • Video 2 - Responding to God’s Grace
    • Video 3 - Speaking Grace to the Mountain
    • Video 4 - Grace for Everyday Living
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Living in the Grace of God and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In Building For Eternity, we look at the final three of the six foundational doctrines of the Christian faith found in Hebrews 6:1-2—the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. The foundational doctrine of the laying on of hands is an act in which one person imparts or conveys blessing, healing and/or authority to another for a specific spiritual purpose.
    • Video 1 - Imparting Blessing and Healing
    • Video 2 - Imparting Authority
    • Video 3 - We Will Live Forever
    • Video 4 - God Judges All
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Building for Eternity and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
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