- Video 1 - Exploring the Supernatural — Larry Kreider
- Video 2 - Experiencing the Fear of the Lord — Kevin Kazemi
- Video 3 - A Visitation from God — Kevin Kazemi
- Video 4 - Being Changed by His Presence — Kevin Kazemi
- Video 5 - Experiencing His Presence — Merle Shenk
- Video 6 - Ministering with Jesus — Merle Shenk
- Video 7 - Growing in a Supernatural Lifestyle — Merle Shenk
- Video 8 - You Too Can Encounter the Supernatural! — Larry Kreider
- Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, this video series will place you on a path to a greater revelation of God’s supernatural power in your everyday life. The authors each draw from the Scriptures and their own personal experiences to give us a deeper understanding of a supernatural lifestyle. They challenge us to awaken to the supernatural life that is intended for each of us.
- Sale!In The Great Commission, we discover that as disciples of Jesus Christ, our marching orders are to go and make disciples. We can start right where we are! God has called us as His church to touch every nation of the world, but we must ask the Lord where He has called us specifically. Although some believers will go to another country to make disciples, many believers will reach out to others right where they live. God places people all around us we can disciple and train.
- Video 1 - What is the Great Commission?
- Video 2 - Get Ready for Action! Spiritual Warfare
- Video 3 - Reaching the Lost and Making Disciples
- Video 4 - You Are Called to Be a Spiritual Father or Mother!
- Sale!In Called to Minister, we discover that every Christian is called by God to minister to other people. The Lord has called pastors and other spiritual leaders to train the saints so that every believer can be involved in ministry and become mature in Christ. As each believer fulfills what the Lord has called him to do, a wonderful thing happens. God begins to build His church through His people from house to house and in each community. Ministry does not just happen in our church meetings; it happens at our schools, our places of work, and in our homes as we reach out to others.
- Video 1 - Everyone Can Minister
- Video 2 - We Are Called to Serve
- Video 3 - Ministering With Compassion
- Video 4 - We Are On Jesus’ Team!