Called to Minister Videos

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Our Price: $24.95

In Called to Minister, we discover that every Christian is called by God to minister to other people. The Lord has called pastors and other spiritual leaders to train the saints so that every believer can be involved in ministry and become mature in Christ. As each believer fulfills what the Lord has called him to do, a wonderful thing happens. God begins to build His church through His people from house to house and in each community. Ministry does not just happen in our church meetings; it happens at our schools, our places of work, and in our homes as we reach out to others.

  • Video 1 – Everyone Can Minister
  • Video 2 – We Are Called to Serve
  • Video 3 – Ministering With Compassion
  • Video 4 – We Are On Jesus’ Team!

If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Called to Minister and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.


Digital Video

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