Living in the Grace of God Videos

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Our Price: $24.95

In Living in the Grace of God, we discover that it is grace that motivates God to offer us salvation even though we did not earn it. In fact, we cannot earn it; it is a gift. Our salvation comes as a gift of God’s grace, and it can be accessed by our response of faith. God’s grace is present in our lives to save us—“the free unmerited favor of God on the undeserving and ill-deserving.”

  • Video 1 – What is Grace?
  • Video 2 – Responding to God’s Grace
  • Video 3 – Speaking Grace to the Mountain
  • Video 4 – Grace for Everyday Living

If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Living in the Grace of God and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.


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