Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider is the founder of DOVE International, a worldwide network of churches in 26 nations. He is the author of more than 40 books. A featured speaker at conferences and churches, he travels extensively, training and mentoring Christian leaders globally. Larry and his wife, LaVerne, live in Lititz, PA, USA. Catch up on Larry’s blog.

Listen to Larry’s leadership podcast here

  • In Living in the Grace of God, we discover that it is grace that motivates God to offer us salvation even though we did not earn it. In fact, we cannot earn it; it is a gift. Our salvation comes as a gift of God’s grace, and it can be accessed by our response of faith. God’s grace is present in our lives to save us—“the free unmerited favor of God on the undeserving and ill-deserving.”
    • Video 1 - What is Grace?
    • Video 2 - Responding to God’s Grace
    • Video 3 - Speaking Grace to the Mountain
    • Video 4 - Grace for Everyday Living
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Living in the Grace of God and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In Learning to Fellowship with God, we learn God wants to know us personally! We’re going to learn how to fellowship with God through meditating on God’s Word and praying and worshiping Him. We will discover how to develop a close, intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ as we learn to hear His voice.
    • Video 1 - Knowing God Through His Word
    • Video 2 - Knowing God Through Prayer and Worship
    • Video 3 - How Can We Hear God’s Voice?
    • Video 4 - Hearing His Voice Clearly
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Learning to Fellowship with God and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In Knowing Jesus Christ as Lord, we build on Jesus Christ and His words: Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock (Matthew 7:24). Do you want to be wise? Build on Jesus Christ, the solid rock!
    • Video 1 - Building a Solid Foundation
    • Video 2 - Counting the Cost
    • Video 3 - Total Trust
    • Video 4 - Hot, Cold or Lukewarm?
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about Knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
  • In God’s Perspective on Finances, we learn that God wants to bless us financially! God desires to meet our needs and provide abundantly for us to minister to others. We will learn that the tithe is a numerical expression reminding us that all we have belongs to God. We are merely managers of the material goods we possess. Scripture has a tremendous amount to say about money or material possessions. Money is such an important issue because a person’s attitude toward it often is revealing of his relationship with God. God wants to restore a healthy, godly understanding of finances in the body of Christ today.
    • Video 1 - We Are Managers of God’s Money
    • Video 2 - The Tithe
    • Video 3 - Give Both Tithes and Offerings
    • Video 4 - How to Manage the Finances God Has Given
    If you or your small group are looking to learn more about God’s Perspective on Finances and build a solid foundation on this Biblical truth, then this series is for you.
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